Foundation for an enviable marriage

Foundation for an enviable Marriage. By Pastor Faith Oyedepo.
God’s Word says: If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalms 11:3).  It is important for you to know that marriage is not a promise, but a covenant relationship.  An enviable Christian marriage is neither a promise from God, nor does it come by wishing.
The marriage covenant involves two parties: God on one hand and the man (and his wife) on the other.  God is the initiator of the covenant and His terms of agreement are sealed up in His Word.  Man, on his part, is required to obey God’s terms of the agreement.
God instituted marriage and family life.  He made the terms and limits of the marriage covenant available to us, through His Word in the Bible.  Thus, you can enjoy an exciting marriage, if only you understand the terms of the marriage covenant, and live within the limits of the covenant.
God’s Word says: God upholds all things by the Word of His power(Hebrews 1:3). All things here include marriage and family life.  This Scripture clearly reveals to us that God’s Word is power.
If you want God to uphold your marriage so as not to crumble, if your marriage must succeed and become outstanding, you need the power in the Word of God.  This is because all things are upheld by it.  You can’t put God and His Word aside, and expect to have an enviable marriage.  The foundation for this is following what God says about marriage and doing it.
Man’s hardness of heart towards God’s instructions has been a major reason for marital and family failure, all over the world.  The Lord Jesus said … But from the beginning it was not so
God’s design for marriage and family life in the beginning was set towards fruitfulness and multiplication; it wasn’t designed for failure, heartaches or sorrow.  Even now, you don’t have to suffer marriage failure.  In fact, you can experience a great married life, if you open up to God’s Wisdom.


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