We need each other to survive

There is no perfect marriage or relationship, everyone is striving for perfection. But, we all need each other to survive. Your right hand can't tell your left hand it is tired of assisting, or you left leg can't tell your right leg to move on its own. No man is an island. There is no do your own, I will do my own in a relationship. The day you settle that you can survive on your own that is the beginning of a great fall. No one can make a marriage work except they both agree. No relationship or marriage is by force. If you don't love him or her, stop deceiving the both of you, and wasting that person's precious time. Every one has a personal relationship with God. Please don't let that person go to God in prayers in secret, because the bible says he will reward such person openly. The bible also says do not suffer for the witch to live, the witch can be in various form not just practicing witchcraft only. So watch your back and the things you do. Also, everything in life is a seed. Whatever you sow, so shall you reap. You sow to grains of corn you reap over a hundred grain. Seed time and harvest shall not seize. You sow a drop of tear in a person's life, think for yourself what you will reap. Maybe a bowl or a drum, so think wisely. To hurt someone may be fun, but when it is time to harvest, I hope it won't be fun too. One eye can't look up and the other to look down, it takes two to tangle. There is time to make that relationship work, look unto God and he will make the crooked way straight.


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