
Showing posts from April, 2017

Make your partner your bestfriend

There are many relationship and marriages that are suffering today because of trust issues. Anyone who should know and understand you the most should be your partner. There shouldn't be secret between you two. A partner who is shy to be naked among each of you in the presence of the other is keeping secrets, not just secrets but deep secrets. Some men or women in a marriage can tell their best-friend everything they want to see in their marriage, but for them to tell their spouse, its like a load on them. Every relationship should first be built on friendship in-order to avoid trust issues although this usually happen with the male folk. No man is an island, every one wants to have a good marital life, but if your partner is not aware, how can they make adjustments. Your best-friend won't and can't tell your partner or help you resolve the issue, you are only creating a space in your marriage. You might think that you don't know how the person will take it, just say it,...

Two are better than one in marriage

Marriage is a union created by God, every marriage should have a strong foundation in order to stand the test of time. There is no perfect marriage, let no one deceive you. Husband leave your family and cling to your wife that's what the bible says, not get married and stay with your family. Wife leave your family and cling to your husband not also your family or friends. There is something which is constant, and it is change. When you get married, you are supposed to change your life style including most of your friends. A single lady can not give you an advice about marriage, not all married women can give you advice also, but those who are God fearing and hves passed through that stage successfully. When you get married, you have to limit your relationship with an outside body because you are no longer part of them where you belong to is your husband, because the both of you have become one. Husbands listen to your wives, you were created to have listening ears, while women were...

A wife is a blessing from God

He that finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord. The moment you stop acknowledging it, the favour ends. Many marriages and relationship are failing today because the men are now taking glory for what God is doing in their lives. God is a jealous God, he won't share his glory with any man, also pride brings a man down. If God blesses you because you have found a wife, but you leave the woman with hunger, tears, pain, to be with another woman outside, even without saying a praying you are bringing curse upon the blessing. God said because you did not give thanks for the blessing he gave to you, he will curse it. When a man don't acknowledge the blessing of God, that is curse number 1, if he maltreat his wife that is curse number 2 and so on. If God should bless a married man especially because of his wife, if he don't take care of her as he should or like himself, it will turn to a curse. That is why many men are striving today, they work hard and so ...

Give and it shall be given unto you

Give and it shall be given unto you Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, press down, shaking together, and running over shall men give unto your bosom. This is a common verse we hear almost everyday when given our offering in church, the bible is not only about what we do when we are church but about our daily life. What ever you give comes back to you with extra. If you give love, you will receive love with extra added to it, but if you give hate, it will also come back with extra goodies. The bible taught us to love one another the way Christ loves the church. Also we should  forgive 70*7 times daily. No one can offend you that much in a year talk less of a day, so no one has an excuse not to forgive and forget, and love again. It is also written that we should not let our anger to last to the dawn of a new day. According to Bishop David Oyedepo 'Delay obedience is equal to disobedience'. If you do not forgive and forget on time you are directly or indirectly ...

God's presence in your home

God's presence in your home. Part 1. By Pastor Faith Oyedepo There is a popular song that says, “ When Jesus is in a family; happy, happy home…”  This is true.  A godly atmosphere is the one that is filled with the presence of God. This atmosphere involves upholding the fear of God in the family and practically obeying His commandments concerning family responsibilities for the man, woman and children.  Therefore, let the man obey God’s commandment by carrying out his covenant responsibility of loving his wife  (Ephesians 5:25).    When unconditional love in words and actions is showered on the wife, it will automatically flow to the children and a godly atmosphere that keeps joy flowing continuously in the family, is retained. Let the woman on her own part, also obey God’s commandment of submitting totally to her husband as the head of the family as commanded in  Ephesians 5:22,  with no reservations. Her submission will let love flow...

The Secret of Honour in Marriage

The Secret of Honour in Marriage. Part 1.  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo. Before exploring the secret of honour in marriage, what is marriage all about? Marriage is ordained by God as a unique relationship for a man and a woman to give and receive satisfaction for their needs and desires.  God, Himself, instituted Marriage, that’s why it is honourable. Many people, especially Christians, think that a good marriage is a promise from God, so they wait endlessly for the fulfilment of that promise.  To others, they think it comes by wishing, so they keep wishing. Marriage is a covenant relationship, not a promise.  It is a covenant because it involves a formal contractual agreement between two or more parties, with each party agreeing to do something as a prerequisite to receiving some benefits. This covenant of marriage involves two parties: God on one hand, and the man (and his wife) on the other.  God is the Initiator of the covenant, and His terms of agree...

Marriage is an Holy Instituition

Marriage is an Holy Instituition Marriage is not a must for everyone. God created Eve for Adam because he saw Adam was lonely. But if you know that you are not lonely why should you marry. Live your life the way it pleases you, instead of subjecting someone to life punishment. The reward is coming, it may tarry, but it will surely come. It might not be on this earth, but when the judgement day comes we all shall be asked how we lived our lives. Jesus is the head of the man, and the man the head of the woman. How did you take care of the woman I gave to you? that will be the question not how did you retaliate when she offended you. Respect is reciprocal, treat her like a queen, she will treat you like a king, treat her like a trash, she will treat you like a bin. God has no business wth a woman, even from the beginning, it was never writing that Eve was questioned why she gave Adam apple. Adam was asked by God why he ate the apple. He was also responsible for Eve eating the apple. He d...

Enemy of Family Success. Part 2

Enemy of Family Success. Part 2  ANGER  is a strong feeling of annoyance and hostility.  It is human to get angry at one time or the other but it becomes inhuman when you allow the feeling to take over you or your sense of reasoning, thereby leading you to sin.  God’s Word in Ephesians 4:26 says:  Be angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.   This means that if you are angry, do not let it lead you into sin by nursing your grudge.  Don’t let the day end with the anger still in you; get over it quickly.  When you hold on to anger, you open the door to sin. If you get upset about the way your spouse does certain things at certain times, instead of exploding and speaking cruel words which can cause irreparable damage, control your emotions and take a walk or go to the prayer closet, until your anger simmers down.  Anger is like a kettle of boiling water and as long as the fire is on, the water will boil faster....

Foundation for an enviable Marriage. Part 3

Foundation for an enviable Marriage. Part 3 Commitment to Your Spouse: Marriage is a lifetime and total commitment, an unreserved dedication of one’s whole self to the marriage relationship.  Commitment is the backbone of an enviable and successful marriage.  It is the adhesive that holds marriage together.  When commitment is lacking in a marriage, the chances of survival of that marriage is very slim.  It is important for you to know that what the spinal cord is to the body, is what commitment is to marriage; without it, the marriage is paralyzed.  That shall not be your portion in Jesus’ name. Effective Communication with Your Spouse: Effective communication with your spouse is a major characteristic of a fulfilled marriage.  Many marriages break down as a result of faulty communication.  It is not just communicating, but effective communication is what makes an enviable marriage.  Lack of effective communication is the reason for so m...

We need each other to survive

There is no perfect marriage or relationship, everyone is striving for perfection. But, we all need each other to survive. Your right hand can't tell your left hand it is tired of assisting, or you left leg can't tell your right leg to move on its own. No man is an island. There is no do your own, I will do my own in a relationship. The day you settle that you can survive on your own that is the beginning of a great fall. No one can make a marriage work except they both agree. No relationship or marriage is by force. If you don't love him or her, stop deceiving the both of you, and wasting that person's precious time. Every one has a personal relationship with God. Please don't let that person go to God in prayers in secret, because the bible says he will reward such person openly. The bible also says do not suffer for the witch to live, the witch can be in various form not just practicing witchcraft only. So watch your back and the things you do. Also, everything i...

Send your questions in, we are ready to help at

Are you having issues with conception? Do you Desire a set of twins or triplets? Are you having a particular sex of baby and want it the other way round? Are you a first time mum, and finds it difficult to cope with the situation of things? Are you confused as to what date is your ovulation? Do you seek free health advice? Do you need a quick answer to a bothering issue? Or any other question relating to health? Send you questions and worries to, we will publish and give you the right answer with your identity hidden. Also those who has gone through such situation will advice you on how they passed through that stage successfully. 👩‍⚕️

Profile picture time

It's Profile Picture time Joyeden blog will be updating it's profile picture every Sunday, we want to make our followers special, we will be putting their pictures as the profile picture for a week. Send your picture now to and we will update the picture. The picture should please be a couple picture either in a relationship or married, your child or children can also be in the picture. First come first serve. Let's go there. 👀

Enemies of Family Success part 1

Enemies of Family Success. Part 1. By Pastor Faith Oyedepo There are things which should of necessity, not be found in your family, if you must enjoy a successful family life this year.  There are enemies of family success; they are the things that cause family stress, pain, arguments, quarrel, lack of peace, separation and sometimes, divorce.  Most of them are caused by man himself.  A good knowledge of some of them will help keep your family free from such things. WRONG COMPANY              A man doesn’t have to be foolish in himself to be destroyed. All he needs to do is walk with the foolish and soon, the folly in his friend will become part of him too.  The Word of God says:  He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed  (Proverbs 13:20) .    Walking with a foolish person is as bad as being foolish.  The company you keep either ...

Foundation for an enviable marriage. Part 2

Foundation for an enviable marriage. part 2 Obedience , a pathway to enjoying God’s best in marriage. God always fulfils His own side of the marriage covenant.  The man and his wife who are the second party in the marriage covenant are the variables.  They must be ready to obey the terms of the agreement as stated in God’s Word, so they can reap the rewards that go with obedience. Disobedience to God is the beginning of a bad marriage.  The disobedience of man (and his wife) to the terms of the covenant as stated in God’s Word, is usually the cause of many marital sorrows, problems, frustration and eventual divorce. The reason for many people’s divorce situation is their hardness of heart.  My husband says, “You need a heart to make a mark”, and if I may add, “You need a right heart to make a right mark in your family life.”  The man and his wife have to fulfil their own part of the covenant, if they must enjoy the best that marriage has to offer. Ho...

God is not to be blamed for your failed Marriage

A pretender will always be a pretender, they might try to hide it but give them time it will definitely show. Some people are big liars, that even their eyes can conceal it. Someone that says A today, which turns to Z the next time the issue is brought up is a liar, someone that says I will beat you today but did not do it, will say it tomorrow and beat you up. So watch out for warning signs. It is there but you decided not to look at its direction. You are not the reason why you were beaten up, he decided to do it so as to show his strength. He could also have decided not to do it. It's a decision. If you were a wrestler, I am not sure he would have taught of it nor dare it. A marriage that can't glorify God, cannot be called a marriage, but a living hell. Look before you leap, watch and pray. God is not to be blamed for your failed marriage, besides he gave you the opportunity to choose. You only decided to pray only, and forgot to watch. Don't forget to drop you...

Fundamentals for a successful marriage. Part 3

Fundamentals For a Successful Marriage. Part 3. To  the man, Husbands,  love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25 AMPC That chapter was concluded by addressing the two together : However, let each man of you [without exception] love his wife as [being in a sense] his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband [that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she "defers" to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly]. Ephesians 5:33 AMPC God is the one that instituted marriage, and this is how He has designed it to run for it to be successful. Seeing that no man can question God and that HE is unchangeable, it is therefore important to remember this:  If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spo...

Foundation for an enviable marriage

Foundation for an enviable Marriage. By Pastor Faith Oyedepo. God’s Word says:  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?  (Psalms 11:3).  It is important for you to know that marriage is not a promise, but a covenant relationship.  An enviable Christian marriage is neither a promise from God, nor does it come by wishing. The marriage covenant involves two parties: God on one hand and the man (and his wife) on the other.  God is the initiator of the covenant and His terms of agreement are sealed up in His Word.  Man, on his part, is required to obey God’s terms of the agreement. God instituted marriage and family life.  He made the terms and limits of the marriage covenant available to us, through His Word in the Bible.  Thus, you can enjoy an exciting marriage, if only you understand the terms of the marriage covenant, and live within the limits of the covenant. God’s Word says:  God upholds all things by the Word ...

A little piece of advice

A cow does not know the value of its tail, until it is cut off. Don't treat that man or woman wrong, you never know who is coming next.

My only sister almost destroyed my marriage

Dear joyeden, I am a follower of your blog, I have a pressing issue which I would like other followers to know about so as to get there advice/comment. I am a young beautiful woman of 27 years and my husband is 31. We have a son of 2 years and currently carrying another in my womb. I noticed a change in my husband's behaviour, when he started traveling out of Abuja regularly,  saying he is going for a meeting, as he is now a zonal manager in his office. We have been married for 3 years and this regular "unusual "meetings started a year ago. He cares for my family so well, but takes care of my only sister more than me. She is an undergraduate student, he established her in a business and also bought a car for her.He changes her wardrobe regularly and does a lot of things for her, while I am a full house wife and looks like rag. when I do complain sometimes that I am the one that need care and those things more, he complains that am I not happy that he is doing all these fo...

I need help urgently. I am in the middle of indecision.

Hi Joyeden, I saw your blog recently and read your post daily, it is educative and informative. Keep up the good work. I am a lady of 25 dating a guy of 29. We did our introduction two months ago, and our wedding is in a month time. Just last week when I went visiting my fiance I caught him red handed with my best friend, I walked out of there with out saying a word because I was lost of words. He has pleaded he is sorry and that it is the devil's work, but I don't believe him. What if I did not catch him? also there might be other hidden ones which I am not aware of. I am in the middle of indecision, I don't know where to turn to. I am thinking of calling off the wedding, but what will people say about me. If I should continue and get married to him, what holds for me in the future. I can't forgive him and I have developed hatred in my heart towards him. I need urgent reply as I have no one to tell this to. Please keep my identity hidden.
Fundamentals for a successful marriage. Part 2 Wives, be subject to your husbands [subordinate and adapt yourselves to them], as is right and fitting and your proper duty in the Lord. Colossians 3:18 AMPC Let's check the meaning of the keywords as it relates to what God is expecting from a woman. 1.  Subject : being under the power or sovereignty of another or others.  2.  Subordinate : subject or submissive to authority or control of others.  3.  Adapt : a change to suit a new purpose, conform oneself to a new condition.  All the above is what God considers as the proper duty of a woman to Him.  To the man in the same chapter He said  Husbands, love your wives [be affectionate and sympathetic with them] and do not be harsh or bitter or resentful toward them. Colossians 3:19 AMPC Let’s  consider the keywords also 1.  Love : have a great affection for, derive or receive pleasure from , ge t enjoyment from and take p...

Help needed: About to lose my man!

Hi, I need help urgently. I am a  lady in a relationship with a guy for years, he is from Africa while I am from America, I have been of help to him since the relationship started, but noticed he is always cheating on me and each time I find out he does not feel remorseful or sorry about his actions. I have gone extra length to please him but it seems the more I tried to please him, the farther I lose my grip on him. In my quest to fully understood how to please a man, it led me to many relationship blogs. Each  of the blogs have over one million and one ways to please a man. There is only a few ideas left which I have not tried. A close friend of mine suggested that I should prepare a particular delicious Africa dish for him, as according to her, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I am now at the crossroads as I don't know how to prepare the dish and I don't want to lose my man. Your help is needed, what should  I do? Send your comments to joyedenojie@g...

God hates divorce

He beats you up at the slightest provocation, he shouts at you, and insults you. My sister do you need an angel with visible wings to tell you that you are in a wrong relationship. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. God hates divorce.

Readers are Leaders

Readers are Leaders, if you don't read you can't lead. There are a lot of marriages today who are suffering challenges because the foundation of reading to know the basic principles of marriage is not there, but opportunities can come more than once, and that opportunity is right here. Do you want to know how to make that marriage or relationship you are in to succeed? Have you gotten to the cross road, and don't know where to go? Do you have bothering issues and don't know who ask? Have you been in a long term relationship and it seems you don't know where you stand? Or other arising issues and you are in the middle of indecision? is ready to help you through it all. Simply send your questions or worries to, we will publish it and keep your identity hidden, don't bother about your English we will edit it before posting it. Make the right decision now before it's too late. Have a great Sunday.

Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday, will you be in church today? Pray for your spouse if you need a change. Remember, prayer is the master key.

Fundamentals for a successful marriage

Fundamentals for  a Successful Marriage (Part 1)  We are made to understand that Al l Scripture is inspired by God  and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16 ‭ - ‬ 17 HCSB Also, we saw God himself clearly stating the requirements for success in any endeavors when He said  this  book of instruction   (Bible)  must not depart from your mouth; you are to  recite it day and night  so that you may carefully observe everything  written in it. For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do. Joshua 1:8 HCSB From the above, it is clear that anything done outside the word of God will never succeed because the scripture s  cannot be broken.  If  we take a clear look at creation we will discover that our God is a  God of order, for example,  He never created the birds befo...
Is your relationship about to crash on the wall, do you want to desperately save it? Send your worries to We will publish it and keep your identity hidden, also you will get views from those who has successfully passed through the stage. We can't keep calm because we are willing to help. Keep it rolling 👅
Women are not exempted from the cheating game. So tell us what makes you cheat? 1. Pot belly 2. He is cheating also 3. Selfish 4. Talkactive 5. Beats you 6. Does not have money 7. For upkeep 8. Can't satisfy you anymore 9. He snores And more..... please keep your comments rolling. That's how we roll 👱‍♀️

April Fool

It's April fool's day, roll in your pranks which you played on some one or about to play. But don't kill someone please.
Question of the day. Why do men cheat on their partners? She is ........... 1. Not sexy 2. Not beautiful 3. Has lost shape 4. Slack boobs 5. Can't satisfy you anymore 6. Gossips 7. Nags too much 8. You can't do without cheating Any many more....... Roll in your comments, we want to hear your view. 😎